4th meeting of the SOILTEQ club

4th meeting of the SOILTEQ club Nov. 20, 2017, ALL

SOILTEQ is a sustainable agriculture technology designed to improve soil parameters by changing the way it is used, permanent cover crops and increasing crop rotation. Using this technology, we obtain higher soil productivity and its better structure, together with saving crop costs and natural regulation of diseases, weeds, and insects.

07/11/2017 in Jerzyków near Pobiedziska held the 4th meeting titled "Create your crop rotation in the philosophy of SOILTEQ".

The main speaker was Matthieu Archambeaud. A valued consultant and expert in the field of sustainable agriculture with many years of practical experience in direct sowing. Specializes in the study of soil life and the introduction of innovative technologies based on knowledge about plants and their interactions in production.

The theme of the Matthieu Archambeaud lecture were the advantages of using the catch crops and the principles of selecting the plant species that we can use as intercrops. Matthieu Archambeaud also discussed the subject of sowing arable crops with an accompanying plant.

After the lecture, all participants went to the farm Rolchamp which leads Boulan Cedric. The owner of the farm presented the machine park which he plants in the Strip-Till technology and sowing the catch crops. The most important point of the workshop was a visit to the field where everyone could in practice evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the issues discussed above

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