On 5 March 2020, a meeting of the Malt Barley Producers took place in Wrocław.
The main purpose of the meeting was to present the organization of ...
MoreWe would like to introduce you to our latest publication entitled "Soufflet Agro Polska News".
In the February 2020 issue you will find informatio...
MoreNajserdeczniejsze życzenia
szczęśliwych i radosnych
Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
oraz wszelkiej pomyślności i sukcesów
w nadchodzącym roku wraz z po...
MoreWe invite you to familiarize yourself with our product offer contained in the latest Product Catalogue Spring 2020. We believe that our products wi...
MoreWe are trading cereals and oilseeds crops
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Explore more about sustainable farming
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