
22 feb

Soufflet Agro Poland News FEBRUARY 2021

We would like to invite you to read the latest edition of Soufflet Agro Polska News.

In the February edition you will find the latest news and inf...

29 jan

Spring 2021 cleaning and seed treatment season is in full swing

In just a few weeks the sowing of spring crops will begin. In connection with this we offer a comprehensive service of seed cleaning and treatment ...

18 dec

Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2021!

 Kolejny rok zbliża się ku końcowi. W związku z tym chcielibyśmy złożyć Państwu najserdeczniejsze życzenia.

13 nov

Spring 2021 catalog available now!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer included in the latest Spring 2021 Catalogue.

You will find there, above all, information abo...

30 oct

Next season of cleaning and treatment is behind us!

The Autumn 2020 season in which we were able to perform cleaning and mortar service for you was full of interest.

Numerous positive opinions that ...



We are trading cereals and oilseeds crops
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