
3 jun

Book seed cleaning and treatment service today!

Preparing seed from your own harvest? Do you want to do it quickly with little effort? Or are you not satisfied with the seed dosage and coverage?

30 may

Rapeseed catalogue 2022

The new rapeseed catalogue 2022 is now available! In this catalogue you will find all the rapeseed varieties in our offer and information about rap...

20 may

SOILTEQ - porozmawiajmy o glebie

Dwa poprzednie spotkania SOILTEQ – porozmawiajmy o glebie spotkały się Państwa dużym zainteresowaniem.
W związku z tym postanowiliśmy zorganizować ...

14 apr

Happy Easter 2022!

Dear Sirs, on the occasion of the approaching Easter, we wish you health, peace and cordial meetings with family and friends. May this holiday be a...

24 mar

Catalog of intercrop mixtures FitSOIL 2022

Intercrop mixtures are a natural way to increase the agronomic potential of soils. Important it’s not only to choose the right plants, but also to ...



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